Dear Planners, Controllers and Organisers,

Firstly I would like to say thank you for your continued support to the MLS; without you it would not be possible for the MLS to cater for around 6000 entries each year during the winter season alone. A truly impressive statistic!

There is an opportunity for a Unit to gain either 600 or 400 MLS league points by just supplying manpower for access control and car parking at Longmoor on the 24th Jan 18. Bonus, if you have a controller she/he can have 100 indicidual points! If you are intereseted contact Phill Batts on either or 07733047634

The Army gets a mention on the BOF site again wrt the recent Night Champs;

Congratulations to the RLC for retaining the Inter Corps Trophy and to the R Sigs ladies for also retaining the Women’s Class Trophy.  There were new winning teams on the Men’s Short and U25.

Army Team Inter Corps Orienteering Results:

Men’s Long Class:

1st         RLC      9.20.21

2nd        RE        9.39.56

3rd         RA        10.43.00


Women’s Class:

1st         R Sigs  5.34.41

2nd        AGC     5.48.54

3rd         RLC      6.01.57


Thank you all for submitting your returns. There are a few points to emphasize before we congregate on Saturday Night:

Collated scores for the MLS as at 10 Nov are available at

Please have a thorough look at your individual and unit scores and direct any issues to the results secretary.

Following the retirement of Jamie Ransom, Maj Andy Brett has taken over as MLS Secretary (with Lt Col Oates as a temporary replacement - thank you). When you have new fixtures or updates to existing fixtures, please contact him to make the changes on the web site. See AOA panel for contact details.

The admin instruction for the Inter Corps Champs on 2/3 December is now available and attached here (updated 13/11/17) and on the event notice, updated 19th October to incude an entry form - entries are now being accepted.

A thumb compass was left at download at this Saturday's (14th) SOC event at Buskett's Lawn. If it's yours, please claim it via the organiser, whose contact details are on the results page at the SOC web site.

The Orienteering Foundation is pleased to announce that we have arranged a coaching day on Saturday 10 February 2018.  The day will be held in the South Lakes (exact venue TBC) and will run from 10:00 to 15:00.

The BAOC AGM will take place on Wed 1 Nov 17 at 1230 hours at Sandhurst in tandem with the MLS event being hosted by the Royal Military Academy.  Confirmatory details tbc.

Please do endeavour do come along and voice your opinions on how we take the Club forward.

The web site suffered a major failure today, Friday 29th September. As far as I can tell, it has been restored correctly, but if you notice anything missing or incorrect, please contact the webmaster. Tim.

A new DIN covering Authority for Army Orienteering 2017 – 18 has now been published.

It is available on the Document page of this website here.

Ian at Ultrasport has a Premier Inn room available at Westhills near Aberdeen from Friday 28 July for 7 nights at a cost of £240.  Contact him on 07815 068065 if you are interested.

Please see attached details of a fund raising event by Ian from Ultrasport, please help if you can as for National Arboretum Memorial.

Corps Secretaries are invited to read the attached document which details the format for the IC 2017 competition, circulate it widely and pass any feedback to the AOA Chairman and Secretary.

The new secretary is Maj Andy Johnson who can be contacted by email at

Follow this link for a report on Army contribution to WOD :

The current MLS Secretary, SSgt Jamie Ranson, is leaving the Army shortly.  Therefore the position will become vacant post the MLS Prize Giving event on Wednesday 07 Jun 2017.  A copy of the duties and responsibilities are attached.  Anyone interested in taking on this very rewarding and challenging position should contact the MLS Secretary by or telephone (military 94344 5531 or civilian number 01980 615531).

In the light of warmer weather, all competitors and event organisers should take note of the heat injury advice on the Event Organisation page. See also Heat Injury Prevention Measures

End of season results for the southern league have been posted in Military League South 2016/17 Results.
