Links to associated Websites

This is where all our friends get their mention, and where that all-important information site can be quickly located.


IOF - International Orienteering Federation (100 years of Orienteering) British Orienteering (the Official Regulator here in the UK)

Other Clubs/Events

As BAOC is a Closed Club (membership restricted to those associated to the Army - BOF Rule 2.6), members may also join an Open Club (unrestricted membership) and compete for it e.g. in CompassSport Cup (BOF Rule 8.1).  Civilian clubs also provide invaluable assistance in the organisation of AOA events.

Other clubs in British Orienteering

Advertising and Sponsorship

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Travel and Trek offers discounts to BAOC members on treks to Nepal.
Catering Trailer available for your event. To book, contact Tom Wilkinson - 07799 210 503.