MLS Results: Wed 13th Dec 2023 - Hawley Festive O

Event Hosted by: 


As usual full results can be found here:

I hope you all enjoyed a nice wet and windy Hawley today, many thanks to Colin for some challenging courses and all the festive fun.

Just a reminder that for next week we are inside RMA Sandhurst, entry is via the Staff College gate direct off the A30, do not go to the gate by Tesco's.  We are having to supply a full list of entrants with car regns, so please ensure you enter those into racesignup, we will have people on the gate helping identify orienteers, but if you are not on the list then no entry.  I will publish the list on BAOC website as soon after 1800hrs as I can once entries exported.

Main Results: 

Split Times: 

Splitsbrowser source csv file - file can be opened in any spreadsheet program or text editor. To download the splitsbrowser source file, right-click link and choose "Save Target As" or the equivalent in your browser.

Displayed in League Results: 

League Computed Name: