MLS Summer Series Results: Wed 26th Jun 2024 - Tidworth Garrison

Event Hosted by: 

32 Regt RA

As usual full results with splits here:

I hope you all enjoyed the run inside Tidworth garrison, I certainly did.  Thanks to WO2 Aaron Crush and the 32 RA team for stepping in to run this event, along with Colin Metcalfe the planner who had to be escorted around the camp when tagging and also maj fred Boardman of Army HQ who step up to be Controller at short notice.  The camp has great potential as not all of it was available this time and also a good part of the area to the south of the camp is also mapped. It should also help that the new CO of 6 Bn REME, based in the camp, was thrid on the Brown today. 

It was certainly a hot one, the reader showed 27.5 degrees, fortunately there was a breeze across the car park which kept the timing team cool. You will have noted we provided shade and water and most were sensible and made use of it. If it had ventured up above 30 degs then the plan was to have a cool down zone where you punch in to stop your time, have a drink and a rest and then punch out to restart your race, we have to offer such measures, it is up to the indiv to decide if they need to use them.

Hopefully we will have Richard Baldwin back next week, after his dickey tummy, thanks to Bobbie for holding the fort today on her own.

Main Results: 

Split Times: 

Splitsbrowser source csv file - file can be opened in any spreadsheet program or text editor. To download the splitsbrowser source file, right-click link and choose "Save Target As" or the equivalent in your browser.

Displayed in League Results: 

League Computed Name: 

MLS Summer Series