The 2024 edition of the annual match between Navy, RAF and Army orienteers yielded victory for the Army in both the men’s and women’s events, in team and individual categories. On a very wet and bleak winter morning the teams came together at Black and White Hills event. The sun promised to come out later in the day and provided some wonderful running conditions for some of the team. The hill slopes provided steep climbs for the runners and technical terrain due to the use of the area for driver training and the maze of vehicle tracks, paths and moto-cross trails.
The women’s and men’s teams were able to deliver excellent performances to secure victory. Individual Inter-Services titles went to Maj Kezia Jukes and Maj Rob Gardner. Second and third places in the men’s event were also Army runners – Lt Col Rob Ashton and Lt Col Andy Brett respectively. In the Women’s competition saw Mid Phoebe King (RN) in second and Wg Cdr Rachel Sullivan (RAF) in third.
It is mightily encouraging to see new and young talent making such impactful performances at the start of careers. The results for Inter Services can be found in the Military Championship results section on BAOC, full results are available on the Southern Navigators (SN) Orienteering Club Black and White Hills National Event - Southern Navigators
Those members of the Army team selected for the UK Armed Forces team will next compete at the British Universities Orienteering Championships in 2025.