Army Sports Control Board Lifetime Achievement Award

On Tuesday 20 November Director Army Sports Control Board hosts the 2018 Army Sports Awards at RMA Sandhurst. One of the highlights of the evening will be the presentation to Major (Retired) Colin Dickson of the Lifetime Achievement Award for his unmatched contribution to Army Orienteering.  Check the ASCB Facebook page and for live coverage of the event from 1930 hrs.

Colin was nominated in recognition of both his personal achievements (many years in the Army team and British Age Class Orienteering Champion seven times) and his enduring commitment to the sustained development of orienteering within the Army.  Despite retirement from the Service he continues to deliver significant organisational and planning support for military orienteering.

Between 2004-2012, he was Army Orienteering’s Coaching Officer, where he developed, coordinated and delivered more than 80 training courses; ranging between introductory and advanced levels; he also delivered over 100 Army orienteering events in that time.Colin continues to support Army orienteering by delivering frequent Army orienteering events for MilitaryLeague South; in an average season Colin has been responsible for well over 65% of the league activity; which equates to c.25 events.In delivering these events Colin books the land, plans the competition, organises the event administration, and liaises with stakeholders. His event planning is of the very highest of standards, recognised by many civilian controllers as world class.Colin Dickson is also Mapping Officer to the Army Orienteering Association (AOA), overseeing the mapping of new areas for military orienteering and ensuring all mapping is up to date. With his wealth of experience in orienteering, he provides invaluable counsel to the AOA committee.

Director Army Sport Control Board is delighted to recognise Major Colin Dickson's decades of dedication, commitment and success that he has achieved, both at a personal level, but more importantly for the unparalleled benefit of Army Orienteering.  Long may it continue!