The Orienteering Foundation - WOC 2018

The Orienteering Foundation is a registered UK charity (No: 1118793) to promote innovation and to support people and projects in orienteering through fund-raising activities; it is independent of British Orienteering. Many grants have been made, for example supporting national teams, regional squads training at home and abroad, and enabling and enhancing other projects. The current project is to support the GB team at this year's World Championships in Latvia from 4-11 August.

The team get a little financial help from British Orienteering (only entry and accreditation fees are paid).  Athletes must fund everything else – travel and accommodation in Latvia, transport to the races and so on; in addition many have travelled in advance to Latvia to join training camps set up by other nations.

All the athletes are really proud to represent Britain and it also means a great deal to them that the wider orienteering community takes an interest in their achievements. was set up to help make it easier to follow the British Orienteering Team as we feel this is a good way to promote orienteering as the challenging sport it is. The team performed really well at the European Championships with a bronze medal (Kris Jones) and several podium places.

Donations (small or large) and a messages of support to the team would be warmly welcomed at: