Military League South (MLS)

The MLS League operates in the southern part of England and has events most Wednesdays during the season, with occasional events on other days. The league's normal season is from mid-September until mid-May. The league also operates a regular summer series of events with shorter courses which is known as the MLSS and this will include some urban events and other different format of events.

League Officers: 

Please use the 'Send Message' link to send a message to each of these contacts.

MLS Results Secretary Mr Neil Gordon Send a message
MLS Secretary WO2 Des Dickinson Send a message 94374 2062
MLS Treasurer WO1 Stu Greening Send a message +44 3001 578661

League Events: 

The following league events and championships are scheduled:

Contact Military Phone Civilian Phone Other Files
Thu 2nd Jan MLS Tweseldown/Brock Hill Maj(Retd) Allan Farrington 07747446600 07747446600
Wed 8th Jan MLS MLS Longmoor (West) Maj (Retd) Colin Dickson 07905050129
Wed 15th Jan MLS MLS Mytchett (West) 15 Jan 2025 Maj (Retd) Colin Dickson 07905050129
Wed 22nd Jan MLS MLS Hawley (West) 22 Jan 2025 Maj (Retd) Colin Dickson 07905050129
Wed 29th Jan MLS MLS New Forest Maj (Retd) Allan Farrington


League Documents: 

MLS Rules 2023-24 Season : MLS Rules 2023-24 Season (PDF)
MLS 2023 AGM Minutes : MLS 2023 AGM Minutes (PDF)
MLS Rules 2022-23 Season : MLS Rules 2022-23 Season
MLS 2021 AGM Minutes : MLS 2021 AGM Minutes (PDF)
MLS Event Flier template - editable file to make your event flier : MLS Flyer Template (updated Nov 21