Inter Corps 2002

Bramley / Hermitage

Final Team Results - Updated 24 Nov 2002

Day One
Day Two

Individual Results and Splits are held on Emit UK results page
Individual Combined Results are here (Excel spreadsheet)

Planner's Comments - Day 2

It was great to be able to get back into Hermitage Woods after more than a decade. Some of my earliest orienteering memories are of being coached there by WO2 Pete Langran in the late 80s.

It is not an easy area in which to plan challenging courses due to the large number of paths. These mean runners are never far from a good relocation feature. I decided that to provide the best technical challenge I would provide a few long legs interspersed with sections of several short legs. I also tried to draw you off the paths and into the woods. This was not easy, but was maybe unnecessary due to the change in conditions since I had planned the courses. Most of my work was in September when the undergrowth was thick and the paths dry and hard. All the rain in November had changed the situation and many people found the woods faster than the paths.

The Army C course and the shorter civilian courses were planned to follow paths, but with route choice and limited opportunities for corner cutting. It was good to see the wet conditions on the paths did not make finish times too long.

Thank you to Pat Barclay for some useful suggestions on the courses and for his efforts helping hang and check controls.

Controller's Comments - Day 2

When I received the first draft of the planners courses I could see what an excellent area to hold an event on, a map that had not been used for some considerable time and an updated map. The courses were challenging changing from long legs with good route choices to short sharp legs in quick succession.

On my first visit to the woods I was not to be disappointed my first impressions turned out to be correct. With a few minor alterations to some course lengths and control sites and a confirmation visit to the forest all was ready.

On arriving in the forest to check control sites on the Saturday before the event dramatic changes to the forest were evident. The bracken and leaves were all but gone and the forest was looking good for fast running. After all the rain we have had it was to prove better for competitors to keep off the paths and run straight where possible. The weather was to hold out and by all the positive comments it was clear the planner had achieved his aim.

Pat Barclay